At different places in Stuttgart
01.10. – 03.11.16
Vernissage: 30.09.16, 20.00h at Theater Rampe
Theater Rampe
Innenstadtkinos: Cinema, EM, Gloria, Metropol (29.09. – 26.10.16)
Mediamarkt am Hauptbahnhof (TV department)
Kommunales Kino Esslingen (06.10-12.10.16)
„Nur wer sich und seine Person mitnimmt in das Wagnis der Öffentlichkeit, kann sie erreichen.“ Hannah Arendt
The basis for this exhibition are performances and interventions in public space and its documentary. NAF engage in topics of constructed gender roles, trans*gender, body and city. They are on a artistic quest for standardization which define and organize daily actions in public space – how do we cross streets? How do we behave at a public square, how do we behave in shopping malls? Where is what kind of clothing and behaviour adequate? NAF were unannounced active in places such as financial district, shopping malls and showrooms. They change the format in their work – installations and videos have emerged from their performances and interventions, standing alone as independent works and now being returned to public space. Everything together feeds on their personal life experiences and life plans.waren unangemeldet aktiv an Orten wie Bankenviertel, Shopping Malls und Ausstellungsräumen. NAF wants the public space as a space in which citizens can meet in freedom. Meeting is different than doing business. It is different from feeling permanently challenged to consume something. We are surrounded by objects that we desire, we make ourselves an object – handsome, attractive, profitable. The public space should be a place to reinvent yourself again and again, to meet and regenerate!
Theater Rampe is one such place. It is like the root of the exhibition, from where the interventions of NAF move like the shoots of a plant into the public space.
NORM IS F! KTION is criticism of utilization, economy and privatization of public spaces. It is an invitation to develop utopias that deal with empathy, emancipation, multiplicity of lives and self-empowerment.
Guest artists:
Anna Baranoswki
Regina Brocke
Rahel Häseler
Stela M. Katic
Mona Kuschel
Florian Rzepkowski
Luise Schröder
Lili Scholtes
A production of NAF in cooperation with:
Atelier CoutureReal Berlin
Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig
Theater Rampe Stuttgart
Funded by:
Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg e.V.
aus Mitteln des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst des Landes Baden-Württemberg
Stadt Stuttgart
Karin Abt-Straubinger Stiftung
With friendly support:
Agentur Fohler
Fotografik – Cora Schäfer
Innenstadt Kinos
Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
MediaMarkt Stuttgart
rosspartner GmbH
Kommunales Kino Esslingen