- Foto: Regina Brocke, 2016 Styling: Alexander Becker
- Foto: NAF, 2017
- Foto: NAF, 2017
- Foto: NAF, 2017
No fear without courage
Performative music theatre (60 minutes)
Premiere: 08.03.2017, Theater Rampe, Stuttgart
In NORM IST F!KTION #2 NAF take the audience into a maze of norms. They grant insights into their biographies, personalities and decisions. They work with their not standardised bodies – they are how they are: different, beautiful, wild, sexy and weird – in constant search of the own identity. In a jungle of quotes they get involved into dialogues, they play on a sheer endless keyboard, sing, provoke each other, despair, calm down, get naked and force themselves into roles which conflicts with their humanity.
As humorous as melancholic, as fragil as pompous music, bodies and quotes clash and examine the brutality which strikes adaptation to norms in order to draw courage for utopia: the possibility to break free from norms.
NORM IST F!KTION is a multi-piece, transmedial concept. The parts are built upon each other, cross public space in several steps and condense into a performative music theatre: NAF are on a artistic quest illuminating ruls, principles and patterns in our daily life.
By and with: Nana Hülsewig, Fender Schrade
Dramaturgical counselling: Melanie Mohren, Bernhard Herbordt
Textcollage: Nana Hülsewig
Music processing: Fender Schrade
Set and costume design: Mona Kuschel
Artistic cooperation: Rahel Häseler
Viewpoint Training: Stela M. Katic
Light design: Hanno Schupp
Production assistant: Ramona Wegenast
A production of NAF in cooperation with:
Atelier CoutureReal Berlin
Theater Rampe Stuttgart
Funded by:
Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden Württemberg e.V. aus Mitteln des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst des Landes Baden-Württemberg
Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart
Stiftungen der Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
- Foto: Regina Brocke, 2016 Styling: Alexander Becker
- Foto: NAF, 2017
- Foto: NAF, 2017
- Foto: NAF, 2017